It's been a good week. On top of the
article I had
accepted for publication in
Homeopathy (and let's face it, they publish any old rubbish), I've just had a paper accepted by a proper scientific journal, the
Journal of Structural Geology. I
wrote about this paper before, because it initially got rejected. In fact, this is the third time it has been through review, and it's taken about a year and a half, but we've finally got there.
This is how I looked when I found out the good news. I confess that I poured myself a generous Scotch in celebration.

I'm going to be in Norway for the next week for work reasons, so I won't be posting anything over that time, but then posting has been pretty patchy this year. Thanks to all those who have continued to read anyway.
Well done. I'd be interested to know whether you think that the reviewer's comments improved your paper significantly.
Yes, congratulations. I hope that the work in Norway progresses to your satisfaction.
Hi Paul, Congratulations! I'm glad the hard work paid off. Be sure to let us know when you get more papers accepted, I'd like to see you demonstrate letters Y, M, and A as well ;-D
Have fun in Norway. Again, pictures please!
Big time congratulations Dr Dude, you're on your way.
Oh, and the accepted Geology paper is good too.
Thank you all for the kind words...
In reply to apgaylard, the simple answer is "yes". It's defnitely a better paper as a result of the peer review, and should be even better once I've made the remaining corrections. In my experience (which is still pretty limited: I have now had four papers accepted for publication, excluding homeopathy stuff) peer review has always led to the final paper being an improvement over the initial manuscript. Whether that is generally the case, I don't know, but it seems likely that the contribution of peer review is positive on balance, although it has well-documented problems.
Michelle: I do actually have my camera with me in Norway, but there's not much to see except snow just now. Hopefully I'll get some pictures before I go. I get to hang around here on Saturday before I leave Sunday morning.
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